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Kaspersky Security 10 for Windows Server


For more information on Dedicated Hosts, visit the Dedicated Hosts detail page. For more information on Dedicated Instances, visit the Dedicated Instances detail page. I’ve read in my licensing terms that a license cannot move to another region or physical machine for at least 90 days.

When you enable Affinity between an instance and a Dedicated Host, that particular instance will only run on a specific Dedicated Host.

Using Dedicated Host targeting, you can launch instances onto a specific Dedicated Host, giving you full control over how your licenses are used. For more information on these features, visit the Dedicated Hosts detail page.

Windows Server licenses must be purchased from AWS in this scenario. This service allows you to leverage your existing investments in the virtual machines that you have built to meet your IT security, configuration management, and compliance requirements by bringing those virtual machines into Amazon EC2 as ready-to-use instances. EC2 Dedicated instances and EC2 Dedicated Hosts provide instance capacity on physical servers that are fully dedicated for your use.

Dedicated infrastructure provides servers that are physically isolated for use by a single customer. If you bring existing licenses to Dedicated Hosts or Dedicated Instances, then you are using hardware that is fully dedicated to your use.

A Dedicated Host is a physical EC2 server fully dedicated to you. Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts allow you to use your eligible software licenses from vendors, including Microsoft, on Amazon EC2, so that you get the flexibility and cost effectiveness of using your own licenses, but with the resiliency, simplicity and elasticity of AWS. With Dedicated Hosts, you have an option to control instance placement and gain visibility into the number of sockets and cores installed on a host. Dedicated Hosts are often used when customers bring license that do not have Software Assurance or License Mobility benefits.

Please visit the Dedicated Host detail page for more information. Once setup, AWS takes care of these administrative tasks on your behalf, so that you can seamlessly launch virtual machines instances on Dedicated Hosts just like you would launch an EC2 instance with AWS provided licenses. AWS License Manager helps track licenses used with Dedicated Host, and helps you stay compliant with your specified licensing rules such as 90 day affinity.

Dedicated instances are Amazon EC2 instances that run on hardware that is dedicated to a single customer. For more information on Dedicated Instances, please visit the Dedicated Instance page. Both offerings provide instances that are dedicated to your use. However, Dedicated Hosts provide additional control over your instances and visibility into Host level resources and tooling that allows you to manage software that consumes licenses on a per-core or per-socket basis, such as Windows Server and SQL Server.

In addition, AWS Config will keep a record of how your instances use these Dedicated Host resources which will allow you to create your own license usage reports. In order to take full advantage of EC2 it is recommended that customers first consider bringing eligible licenses through License Mobility.

Default tenancy EC2 allows customers to scale capacity up and down according to changing needs. This allows customers to pay only for what they use. Dedicated Hosts are most cost effective when the host is highly utilized and in a steady, non-variable state. A Dedicated Host will support the BYOL scenarios outlined in this FAQ and provide customers with more control and visibility over how their instances are placed, which is useful for minimizing risk and licensing costs in a BYOL scenario.

Windows is the most common product brought to Dedicated Hosts. What are my options for bringing development licenses to AWS?

AWS customers have options for bringing Microsoft developer products to AWS for use on test, development, and non-production workloads. EC2 Bare Metal offers default tenant and dedicated host options. The licenses must be deployed on EC2 Dedicated Hosts. You have the option to launch instances onto a specific Dedicated Host, or you can let Amazon EC2 place the instances automatically based on your licensing preferences in AWS License Manager.

Controlling instance placement allows you to deploy applications to address licensing, corporate compliance, and regulatory requirements. You can run different instance sizes within the same instance family on a Dedicated Host using AWS Nitro instance family. This allows you to maximize utilization of your Dedicated Host fleet as well as your software licenses. How do I import and use my own Windows Server license? Visit this link for more information on how to bring your own machine images into AWS.

Keep in mind that when you choose to bring in your existing Windows Server licenses, you cannot utilize Windows Server AMIs that you purchase from AWS through license-included instances. You must bring in your own licenses using your own software media. These changes are paired with Host level data, such as the Host ID and the number of sockets and physical cores installed on a Dedicated Host.

AWS Config will also keep track of instance tags. We recommend that you tag your instances with a meaningful identifier if you would like a human-readable way to identify BYOL instances in the AWS Config output.

Visit this page for more information on AWS Config. Visit the Dedicated Hosts detail page for information on the number of instances available per Dedicated Host. On this page you will also find the number of sockets and cores installed on each EC2 Dedicated Host.

The instance, socket, and core counts vary by the instance type configuration of the Dedicated Host. In , Microsoft updated the licensing terms for dedicated hosts cloud service. For more details refer to the pricing section for software usage on Dedicated Hosts. Does License Mobility work with Windows Server?

You should not use your own Windows Server license on EC2 instances with default tenancy unless you have approval from Microsoft to do so.

If you have negotiated custom terms with Microsoft and have this permission, please contact AWS support or reach out to your account manager. AWS manages the licensing for you; all you need to do is pay for the instances you use. Each instance comes with two remote connections for admin purposes only.

If you require more than two connections, or need those connections for purposes other than admin, you may have to bring in additional Remote Desktop Services CALs for use on AWS. However, if you need to migrate from license-included to BYOL and have applications or OS configurations that need to be migrated, we suggest that you reach out to our partners, such as CloudEndure or AppZero, who may be able to assist with these types of migrations.

Microsoft requires that customers complete and send a License Mobility verification form which can be downloaded here. There are various factors to consider when licensing passive failover for SQL Server. In all cases, you must license Windows Server. To assist you with your virtual core licensing calculations under the Microsoft Product Terms, we provide a table here that shows the number of virtual representations of hardware threads based on instance type.

Using this information, you can calculate the number of SQL Server licenses that you need to bring in. For additional information, we recommend referencing Microsoft documentation, such as the licensing guide for SQL Server see here. SQL Server Web may not be used to support line of business applications e. Using AWS Config as the data source you can track configuration changes against physical resources such as sockets and cores. These changes are paired with Host level data, such as the Host ID and the number of sockets and physical cores installed.

We recommend that you tag your instances with a meaningful identifier if you would like a human-readable way to identify BYOL instances in your AWS Config logs.

SQL Server Developer Edition is eligible for use in non-production, development, and test workloads. An unlimited number of end users can access SQL Server on a license included instance. However, Microsoft made changes to the license terms under these specific subscription programs that do not permit BYOL for subscriptions purchased or renewed after October 1, , and these new terms become effective at renewal. Microsoft Dynamics On-premises can be licensed with perpetual licenses with Software Assurance SA , or with active user subscription licenses.

Can I buy other license included Microsoft products for use on EC2? Can I bring in my own licenses for use on AWS? Enabling this technology reduces the overall size of the system virtual address space and therefore system resource maximums. For more information, see What is 4GT. Limits on physical memory for bit platforms also depend on the Physical Address Extension PAE , which allows bit Windows systems to use more than 4 GB of physical memory.

The following table specifies the limits on memory and address space for supported releases of Windows. Unless otherwise noted, the limits in this table apply to all supported releases. The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Server Remember that a single Standard edition license covers up to two physical processors and up to two instances of virtual machines. Since the requirement is to run 8 instances of virtual machines, we need four Standard edition licenses.

If we decided to use the Datacenter edition in this scenario, a single license with 50 CAL would be enough to cover our needs, because the Datacenter edition license supports an unlimited number of virtual instances and up to two physical processors. Back to Windows Server Section.

Deal with bandwidth spikes Free Download. Articles To Read Next:. Installation and Configuration of Fine-Grained Password Troubleshooting Windows Server R2 Crashes. Licensing Model. Processor Chip Limit. Memory Limit. User Limit. File Services limits. Remote Desktop Services limits.

Virtualization rights. Either in 1 VM or 1 physical server, but not both at once. Windows Server Update Services. You can install the Kaspersky Security Console on a computer running one of the following bit Microsoft Windows operating systems:. You can install the Kaspersky Security Console on a computer running one of the following bit Microsoft Windows operating sysems:. You can install Kaspersky Embedded Systems Security on a server running one of the following bit Microsoft Windows operating systems:.

Your feedback will be used for content improvement purposes only. If you need assistance, please contact technical support. Articles: Top Hot New. Recommendations on configuring Kaspersky Security


Microsoft FAQ – Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Windows Server 2012 R2


If you have virtual machine VM instances running earlier versions of Windows Server, you can upgrade them to later versions of Windows Server:. This guide describes how tree perform a manual in-place upgrade of Windows Server.

There is no charge for performing an in-place upgrade of Windows Server. You are only charged for the resources consumed during the upgrade, including:. Use the windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage. Performing an in-place upgrade of a windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download machine VM instance that is running an earlier version of Windows Server can be a pragmatic way to modernize your infrastructure and to mitigate limitatione risks of windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download the end of the support lifecycle limiitations Windows Server versions.

Before you decide to use an in-place upgrade to migrate to a newer version of Windows Server, be aware of the following limitations:. Downtime: Depending on the configuration and software installed, the upgrade might take an hour or longer. During the upgrade, access to the VM instance is limited because:.

Risk: Depending on the configurations of your existing instances and the installed software:. Depending on the workload running on your Windows Server instance, you can reduce downtime and risk by pursuing different approaches.

A Windows Server product key is valid for only a specific version; when windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download perform an upgrade to a later version of Узнать больше здесь Server, you must supply a new product key.

There are two primary scenarios:. You are upgrading a VM instance that is based on a public operating system image provided by Google: In this scenario, you must use the predefined KMS client setup keys for the version of Windows Server that you are upgrading to.

The upgrade does not incur additional charges. You are upgrading a VM instance for which you brought an existing license: In BYOLyou need to acquire a product key from your license vendor to perform the upgrade. Check the Microsoft documentation to determine which edition you can upgrade to and whether you are eligible for license conversion. You are upgrading a VM instance that is based on a public operating system image provided by Google: In this scenario, you can use the volume license installation media provided by Google.

The steps to access this installation downloav are provided below. You are upgrading a Downliad instance that is based on an imported disk or image: In this scenario, you cannot use the installation media provided by Google. Instead, you have to use an installation media that matches the type of media that you used to install Windows Server on the imported disk or image.

Before you begin your upgrade, review the Microsoft documentation about prerequisites and potential limitations for the version of Windows Server you are planning to upgrade to:. Verify that your VM instance meets the system requirements for Windows Server and has sufficient free disk space. Review recommendations for upgrading server rolesknown downlowdand the upgrade process for Windows Server R2.

Review the recommendations for planning an in-place upgrade. Verify that you aren’t affected by features removed or deprecated in Windows Server R2. Verify that any of your custom or third-party software is compatible with Windows Server R2. Review the server role upgrade and migration matrix for Windows Server and application compatibility table.

Windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download that you aren’t affected by features removed or planned windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download replacement in Windows Server Review the Windows Server and Microsoft Server application compatibility list. Before you start the upgrade, we recommend that you create a snapshot of your VM instanceso that you can revert to a safe state in case anything goes wrong:.

Create a regular snapshot for the boot disk of your VM instance. Verify that Windows Server flundation up to date by using Windows Update.

Disable or uninstall antivirus, antispyware, and other agents that can interfere with the upgrade or limitaions incompatible with the Windows Server version that you’re upgrading to. Before you can perform the upgrade, attach the necessary installation media to the VM instance. The right media to use depends on your scenario:. You are upgrading a VM instance that is based on limitatios imported disk or image: In this scenario, you also need to attach the volume license installation media provided by Google so that you can access the necessary windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download.

Additionally, you have to attach a custom installation media that matches the type of media that you used to install Windows Server on the imported disk or image. Go to the Google Cloud console. Set the default project ID. Create a disk based on the installation media. This command adds a disk named win-installers to your project. This disk is not attached to any VM instance. Attach the disk to your VM instance by using read-only ro mode, so that you can attach the disk to multiple VM instances if necessary:.

If you are upgrading a VM instance that is based on an imported disk or image, attach the custom installation media as an additional disk:. Follow the steps in Creating an image from an ISO file to create a disk from the ISO image that you want to use as custom installation media.

Attach the disk to your VM instance, by using read-only ro mode so that you can attach the disk to limiyations VM instances if necessary:. By default, Windows Setup prompts you for input at various points during an upgrade. Because you can’t connect to the VM instance by using RDP during the upgrade and therefore can’t provide any input, run the upgrade in unattended mode. For more information, see Connecting windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download instances.

Change the working directory to the installation media. The correct working directory depends on the Windows Server version that you are upgrading to:. Start the Windows upgrade.

The required steps to start the upgrade depend on the Windows Server version that you are upgrading to and whether your VM instance is based on a public operating system image or on an imported disk or image:. Run upgrade. The script completes the following steps:. On the Select Image screen, select the configuration that matches your current downloas.

Depending on the machine type of your VM instance and your Windows Server configuration, the upgrade might take between 10 and 60 minutes to complete. During that time, you can observe the status through the serial port output :.

Wait until the machine has rebooted four times. Depending on the configuration of your Burger shop game free download full for pc instance, it might take 30 minutes or more for these reboots to occur. You can recognize a reboot by output that looks similar to this:. Professional microsoft free windows 10 download applocker the fourth reboot, wait until the output GCEMetadataScripts: Finished running startup windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download or No startup scripts to run appears.

You can now connect to the VM instance to verify that the upgrade has been successfully completed. Restart the VM instance to ensure all changes take effect. It might take 1 to 2 minutes for the reboot to windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download before you can connect to the VM instance again. Connect to the machine by using an RDP client. Use Windows Update to install the latest Windows updates. You might have to restart the VM instance multiple times during this process.

If you suspect that the upgrade failed windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download is not progressing, use the following approaches, in order, to diagnose the situation:. To check the progress of the upgrade process, windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download the serial port output of the VM instance:. During the upgrade, you should observe limitatoons reboots. If you don’t observe any progress for more than 30 minutes vree the first reboot, it is likely that the upgrade failed.

Go to VM instances. Using the EMS console, check the Windows Setup log files and the event log for indications that the upgrade is still progressing or for information about any errors that might have occurred.

When frer for credentials, enter the username and password of an administrative user account. Use the remote PowerShell session to check the Windows Setup log files and the event log. If you can’t connect to the instance by using Windows Remote Management WinRMyou can cancel the upgrade and analyze the log files from a different VM instance. To do this, follow these steps:.

Stop the VM instance. Detach the boot disk from the instance. Create a new, temporary Windows Server instance, and attach the boot disk of the original instance as an additional disk.

Use the temporary Windows Server instance to analyze the setup log and event log files of the instance that you were trying to upgrade. After you have completed the analysis, detach the disk from the temporary instance and fojndation it as a boot disk to the original VM instance.

For information about troubleshooting your Windows Server instances, see Tips and troubleshooting for Windows instances. To avoid incurring further costs after you have completed this process, delete the installation disk. You can create an installation disk based on the Google-provided image at any time. If you don’t plan to upgrade more VM instances in the doqnload zone, delete the installation disk:. In Cloud Shell, delete the win-installers disk that you created windows server 2012 foundation limitations free download.

Learn how to bring existing licenses to Compute Engine. Learn how to connect to Windows instances. Learn about sole-tenant nodes on Compute Engine. Work through more Windows tutorials.

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