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4gb ram pc games free download


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Wednesday, August 24, Sign in. Keep in mind you need to change your graphic and other settings in the game to maximize the performance and results in each of the games. Note: Do note that these are only popular titles from the best game developers in the world. They do have some other parts but only the best are listed here. Also, the download links will be from the official sites as we do not support piracy of the games.

This is the first one from the trilogies of the Ezio Collection. This starts with the popular character Ezio Auditore da Firenze who was born in Italy and later joins the protagonists to fight the templars for freedom.

The game portrays how being from a total idiot, he became one of the most powerful assassins in the world. This part takes us back to the s in Italy and during the Italian Renaissance. The character is fictional and so is the story but the game is a masterpiece and playing it in takes us back to the time of the real Assassins creed and the medieval era of gaming. This is the second edition to the Ezio Collection which brings us to a major change in the game, The Multiplayer Mode. This was the first game in the Assassins Creed legacy to feature a multiplayer mode and had 8 modes for players worldwide to engage in.

This game also brings us some changes related to combats and fights with some new guns and abilities for the player in-game. This is the last edition in the trilogy of the Ezio Collection. This features an old age Ezio Auditore da Firenze with the most powerful weapons and an upgrade over the regular hand blades.

Rest there are some multiplayer changes but the storyline features all three characters which are involved in multiple things in the game. The most common similarities in this trilogy are the popularity of Ezio among the ladies. Being old he still has the charm to attract the ladies of his town. Sadly, this is the end of the series and Ubisoft started to create the next games with a different storyline. One of the latest includes Assassins Creed: Valhalla which was announced last month.

The game became so popular it sold thousands of copies within months and has sold over 2. It features different modes, tactics weapons that users can use to interact with the environment.

Although the story might feel a little outdated for now, the gameplay is still good for low-end PC users. The success of this game resulted in the launch of multiple sequels which brought huge popularity of the Far Cry Series in the market.

The second edition in the Far Cry sequels launched 4 years after the first part, gained some huge success within a year of the launch. The game sold more than 3 million copies by January It follows the typical storyline of mercenary hunting a drug dealer. The gameplay is an FPS that gives the players an ever deep experience of the game. The story takes place in Central Africa during the Civil War which allows the users to engage in a different scenario with deserts, jungles, and savannas.

You will still have smooth graphics, good FPS and a lag-free experience. The game has tons of missions, a gorgeous open world, a long storyline, and great graphics. What more could you want? Mafia 2 gives you an inside look at a life of crime. It is a game that includes everything, action, brutal fights, car chases, mind-blowing plot twists and more.

You get to follow a character who turns into a life of crime mainly during It is an action packed game that involves lots of shooting and an amazing story. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All of you are welcome on gaming x news, which is a very popular gaming website in united states Gaming Blog. The goal of this website is to connect all the people with technology and games. Contact us: [email protected].

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