Download identity card for cs executive june 2013

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From the drop down list of “Select Examination” – select the appropriate programme and enter your Registeration Number and click on “print Admit card” option.

Then verify the details appearing in the admit card. Next click on “Download Admit Card” option. Save it as PDF and take a print. Your are not logged in. More Post. India’s largest network for finance professionals. Enroll Now!! Home Forum Students CS. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. Share on LinkedIn. Share on Email. Share More.

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ICSI CS Executive, Professional admit card December out; Direct link.CS Executive Exam Dec – Admit Card (Out), Sample Papers, Result, Toppers, Pass Percentage,


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You are reading a preview. Activate детальнее на этой странице 30 free trial to continue reading. Continue for Читать статью. Upcoming SlideShare. Admit card. National Institute of technology, Hamirpur HP. Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode.

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Instructions-to-candidates for CLAT Recently uploaded Tiny changes, Remarkable execcutive. Market Research for Bathroom Accessories. Top Articles of Starlet Shoes Online. Icsi admit-card 1. Перейти на страницу case of any discrepancy iesplease contact Directorate of Student Services at Tel. C Mobile phones are banned in the Examination Centre premises. D Violation of these instructions may entail cancellation of your examinations.

Immediately, after taking the print-out of the Admission Certificate from the website www. Ссылка case of читать полностью discrepancy, the same may please be brought to the notice of the Download identity card for cs executive june 2013 immediately through e-mail at enroll icsi.

Since the particulars mentioned by the candidates on the OMR based cover carx of download identity card for cs executive june 2013 main answer book are to be read by a machine for result processing activities, any wrong information mentioned may affect the result of the candidate adversely and for that the Institute will not take any responsibility for rectifying such mistake s.

Candidates are required to carry with them i Admission Certificate; and ii Student Identity Card to the Examination Centre every day for establishing their identity and securing admission executiive the examination, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall. Please handover one identical photograph to the Superintendent of Examination Centre for affixing the same in the Attendance Sheet. Candidates will be allowed to enter into the Examination Identith 15 minutes before the time specified for the commencement of each examination and occupy their allotted seats in Examination Hall.

No candidate shall be allowed to enter into the Examination Hall after the expiry of half-an-hour of the commencement of dowbload and no candidate shall be fownload to leave the Examination Hall until the expiry of one jue after the commencement of examination.

Candidates are not required to appear in the paper s in which they have been granted paper-wise exemption as download identity card for cs executive june 2013 in the Admission Certificate and Attendance Sheet. However, exemption in any paper s of examination should not be assumed unless confirmed in writing by the Institute. The medium of writing the examination for Foundation Programme, Executive Programme and Professional Programme is English or Hindi as per the option exercised execuyive the candidate and as indicated in the Admission Certificate Roll.

Writing answers with red or green ink is prohibited. Accordingly, exeutive are advised to bring their own pen, pencil, scale, ink-pot and calculator for their use. Candidates are allowed to use their own battery operated noiseless and cordless pocket calculator with not more than 6 functions, 12 digits and 2 memories.

Use адрес programmable, scientific or printing model of calculators or calculators not conforming to above specifications shall not be permitted. Candidates are warned not to write anything on the Question Paper except their Roll Number and tick mark [] for the questions attemptedAdmission Certificate, Student Identity Card, etc. Writing of hints, bullet points, icentity answers, etc. Any violation of this instruction will tantamount to adoption of unfair means and will attract punishment which may include читать далее from appearing in the examination.

Before signing the Attendance Sheet on each day of downloqd, the candidate should idnetity the perforated Roll Number Barcode Sticker of that particular paper from the Attendance Sheet and affix the same on the box provided on the right страница upper portion of the cover page of the main Answer Book.

Doownload OMR machine will read the Roll Number, candidates should check and ensure that the Roll Number written in words, figures and circles darkened are correct. Fxecutive case this information is filled wrongly, Institute will not take any responsibility for rectifying the mistake. It must also be ensured that candidates should sign Attendance Sheet only after removal of the Roll Number Barcode Sticker and affixing it on the cover page of the Узнать больше здесь Book.

Candidates should write answers on both sides of all download identity card for cs executive june 2013 of answer book s and use all pages of the main answer book before asking for additional answer book. In order to avoid wastage and iventity of misuse of answer ds scandidates will be issued additional answer book only on demand after they have completely used the main answer book.

Candidates must not write downlad irrelevant matter, any sort of appeal to examiners, criticism of question paper, salutation or invocation to God, etc. Candidates must attempt questions in accordance with the directions jun on each Question Paper.

If the questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first upto the required number will be valued and awarded marks and the remaining answer s will be ignored. Candidates are advised not to write anything on the left-hand side margin of pages of answer books except Question No. Candidate must put a cross mark X against the respective Question No. Bad and jue handwriting will be penalised.

The additional answer book s should be fastened to the main Answer Book No. The total number of answer book s used including main answer book must be clearly indicated on the cover page of the main Answer Book e.

It shall be the personal responsibility of the candidate concerned appearing in the examination to properly fill-up all relevant particulars on the cover page of main answer book. The Superintendents of Examination Centers have been advised to issue executiev in the aforesaid manner, through the Invigilators, for submission of answer books by the candidates. You just clipped your first slide!

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