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Reflectively, he looked at me. Mentioning the no-helmets matter to Kormoran men provoked a laugh “We didn’t wear them either, so we.

Impliedly, Sydney’s four 4-inch A. In reality, only the two port 4-inch and two of the point fives, port and after, were capable of bearing on Kormoran from a position more or less abeam of her.

But what did they do? They did not fire at all. There would have been more damage and more deaths in Kormoran had they fired, but neither of these things transpired. I am entirely satisfied that my old gun, the after point five, never fired a shot.

Yet the AOH manages to avoid saying these things – with one notable and another less notable exception. AOH p carries the sentence “Apparently her turrets were now out of action, but she. The less notable exception continues the same theme at AOH p.

In the course of talking with several of. What they realised was that the flashes or bursts they had seen somewhere on Sydney’s. In the manic exhaustion of the last moments of the action, they thought Sydney was firing back. No wayt. Such opinion has perhaps not been of good quality, which would be a pity; but if the quality was there, it has to some extent been deliberately misapplied. I have a feeling that no one wants to be responsible for anything to do with Sydney. There are many other AOH points to be taken, too many and too detailed to be dealt with here.

Good gunnery and good weather moan misses were few, German guesses were 50 hits on the water-line. Then hits are reported on bridge and turrets, amidships plus repeated hits – anywhere. What ship and how many of her crew could be expected to survive that sort of punishment? Kormoran, by the way, set out from Germany with an establishment , 15cm shells and hadn’t used all that many previously. I obtained those details in during another visit to Hamburg because, having taken note of what guns’ crews and others had said and doing a bit of “on spec” mental arithmetic, it sounded as though.

The No. Some thousands of rounds. The AOH p. Surely any Australian naval man with the most rudimentary gunnery knowledge would have known, or reasonably assessed, that the few hundreds of rounds was a. Not doing so appeals to me as less than honest and designed to obscure the terrible reality. Note also the last part of Appendix B, para. Frightful damage! For her, sighting time was not , approach time of an hour or so meant fairly close proximity to Kormoran at or so not or so and fire was opened at not So what would Sydney’s normal routine have been?

First dogwatchmen on duty to , second dogwatchmen to supper , watch changeover at , first dogwatchmen and others – daymen etc.

Not all responded, but understanding of the awfulness of my unposed question showed with many, Some pre-empted me by saying “Of course! Explains cooks in the waist. Not at full action stations. For the moment and in relation only to the disclosure deficiency, I pose the question of whether it was ignorance or an “accidentally on purpose” ploy to cause obfuscation in the hope it would confuse people and.

Psychologically, the incorrect motto appeals to the many who do not or cannot or will not accept that Sydney was unready. The first appears in an official publicity glossy, Australia’s Navy In a chronological presentation on page 8, under the heading World War 11 Naval Operations, item 17 reads.. Sydney’s captain may have had appendicitis or something on Commander E.

Thruston R. We had great confidence in him he had been First Lieutenant, until promoted and in “Bugwhiskers”, Lieutenant-Commander J. Bacon R. Commander M. Singer R. Montgomery R. Refer also to Appendix B, para 9. It resulted in Bacon, the First Lieutenant, implementing instructional classes for 2 or 3 of we potential officer trainees. He personally saw to it that we were as well informed and instructed as he could. We were lined up to observe relevant exercises. But what was the result in real terms?

Appendix B, para. Suffice it to say initial. Resolution of the question could be a contributory factor in the ship’s demise. In Appendix B, para. That task was performed entirely from memory of things past.

Notwithstanding his. Later, as doubts developed and I actually looked at things for myself and carried out my own navigational calculations, it was no joy to discover that I could not find words temperate enough to respond to. Virtually all credibility ceased. A number of deductions – some expressed as facts – are wildly out, yet people appear to accept them. Addiction to those deductions has been evidenced, I believe, at. Certain assertions purporting to sustain Captain Burnett’s alleged virtue of proper caution were, within my personal knowledge and experience, untrue, but did not go to air.

They did cause me to reconsider the charitable view I had taken of the bowdlerised and. Moreover, I consider the 3. That is possibly the most serious, damning and critical statement in this whole submission, and it parallels the Korinoran situation. That is the work of the tyro, or of crass ignorance, or of sheer stupidity. The only way such lane use could be valid would be were Burnett a complete navigational nit-wit. The reason for this is that Sydney would NEVER, as a matter of course, proceed through minable waters under fathoms or metres ; and if she had to, for some operational reason, bow-protection paravanes would be streamed, knocking a.

Minable waters, viz, the continental shelf, extend 40 miles offshore for most of the W. Burnett could have faced Court Martial or be dismissed his ship if he had done. This matter is sufficiently important for me to quote verbatim some of the narrative relative to the plan, bold-type giving my emphasis, starting after the point where Detmers had been overhead to say that they were miles from land. On the other hand, a glance at the map shows it is very far from tallying with the track of the Sunda-Fremantle shipping lane, which passes no more than 30 miles out from Ede[ Land, and there is no reason to suppose that the Sydney was not following this lane – especially when it is remembered that she had been a day late in handing over Zealandia and, therefore, would have had.

There is a further quote from the First Naval Member that “she should have returned direct to Fremantle” whatever that quote might mean. But overriding these niceties, there is every reason to know, let alone suppose, that Sydney was not following the shipping lane.

Montgomery’s whole rationale is, I regret, the product of profound ignorance or total delusion masquerading as navigational knowledge. Detmers Is certainly wrong In stating in his book that there were three hours until dusk at hours he actually wrote hours which was Kormoran time, not W. At latitude 26 ‘S the sun sets 10 minutes earlier, while the longitude adjustment works out at 19 or 20 minutes later, a net change in sunset time of 9 minutes.

But it was not the time of sunset, which has been equated with “dusk” as translated from the German, which matters. It was the time of “darkness” to which Detmers referred – as would any sailor- viz. Kormoran time or hours W. Thus Detmers is perfectly right in his 3 hours time difference between the sighting time of Sydney, hours.

Thus on a proper understanding, Kormoran’s position was. The next words to the quotation in the preceding paragraph are “Kitsche’s ‘quickly growing twilight’ The author was apparently not aware that the diary. Kitsche wanted to learn more English. Jurgensen, ever the schoolmaster, took him in hand using fictional stories flavoured by references to the action “just to keep Kitsche’s interest alive and encourage him to work harder.

It is possible that there are worthwhile items here and there but. Supplement to Appendix A, paragraph 8 and Appendix C, paragraph 2. Islander, reverted to 4th Degree of readiness. Danae and Glasgow in Sunda Strait. Exercised under water explosion and Abandon Ship drills. Stopped, anti-scuttling party drill. Comparative log entries extracted from copy log 1. Qs’, Watch to Cruising stations. Streamed bombing target Aircraft carried out H.

L bombing practice at target. Speed 8 knots Proceeded 20 knots, course 0 to take station 3M ahead of convoy. Actions stations sic. Reverted to 4th Degree of Readiness. Speed 11 knots. Staying out of sight of land was an operational imperative.

Similarly, on the voyage when she was lost, the rendezvous point with H. Durban was 90 miles from the southern entrance. The operational imperative of staying out of sight of land also applied to Christmas Island. On the penultimate voyage we passed about 70 or so miles to eastward when heading northerly. Resumed stn, 1M ahead of convoy.

British, North bound. Exercised underwater explosion. Closed all WIT doors. Lowered 2nd Cutter, exercised anti-scuttling party. Proceeded Co. Action Stns. Lowered 2nd Cutter. See Appendix B, para. See my account of what happened on the. Doubt exists whether at full action stations. See Appendix B, pare. This is the S.

Islander encounter, in which the log entries are. See Appendix B para. Note, too, just over an hour to achieve identification and resume convoy station. The foregoing serves to underline the absurdity of navigational notions that Sydney ever could or did lay a course to Fremantle from Sunda Strait. The copy log records in archives are those transcribed by the navigator’s yeoman or somesuch from the actual on-the-spot-recorded deck log, i.

Handwriting for the day is usually the same for the whole day. Occasionally there are two lots of handwriting. The officer-of-the-watch for each of the 7 daily watches initials off his watch entries as being correct. The officer-of-the-watch for this, the second dog watch, on this day, 3. Treloar, my. A straight copy from the deck log would not have included the words Action Stns.

Of that I am absolutely certain -. A reading of Appendix B, pares. The words “Action Stns” were in a different handwriting and must be judged an addition to the copy log we see. Had they been in the deck log,. The daily copy logs were sent to Navy Office periodically after approval by the Captain. I am therefore convinced the additional words were considered necessary to improve the presentation to higher authority.

Ordinarily “action stations” would be the first words recorded at a sighting. Again, those two words did not always appear to refer to. I have deduced that “action stations” was caused or intended to mean enough weaponry manned to deal with the immediately perceived peril or task, namely or. Waving been persuaded that not only those present but the many unable to be present do have a real. Interest, this recapitulation of the talk Is put together.

It may well exhibit some omissions, for those with good memories, and it may possibly Include a few additions for such people. Hopefully, any pluses and minuses will cancel out without disturbing the thrust of what was said on the day. I’ll nevertheless confess that, in compiling the written word, it appeared advisable to round out a few points here and there.

Your President was kind enough to Introduce me and give some background to aspects of my careers afloat and ashore. For those who did not hear that introduction and who will ask themselves “Who is this fellow? Some survived the subsequent courses, some did not. The first step, after passing out In seamanship classes, was to do a minimum of three months sea service, as an ordinary seaman, in a cruiser.

Surviving that and a rigorous examination on seamanship, one went on to do the usual if slightly shortened officers’ course. I was commissioned In April and served at sea continuously until demobilisation in February , being first lieutenant, i. The relatively late demobiiisatlon came about as I was asked to do another year or so by the Captain of the 20th Minesweeping Flotilla and his Deputy, who.

So my first ship was “Sydney”. I joined her in Sydney on 1 July and left her in Fremantle on 17 October – one of the very lucky ones, for her next voyage north was her last. At the outset, let me say that the loss of “Sydney” In her action against “i. It was not until theorists, self -del usionists and Journalists got to work on the topic – mainly after – that the notion of mystery really gained currency,.

Moreover, maintenance of mystery by such people has been aided, to some extent, by the Australian Official History Inasmuch as It contains, in places, rather less than the truth and some significant untruths. During the war years, I would occasionally run across someone who had served In “Sydney” under Captain Joseph Burnett. We might have a chat or simply agree we were lucky to be alive. If the loss of the ship were mentioned, it was usually In words like “Burnett mucked it”, or “So he nosed up once too often and got bitten”.

Apart from one great personal. Some years were spent in London until I took a Job in Melbourne in the latter part of and ran into an “old ship”.

That led to irregular contact with about 30 who had served in her – many under her previous C. What I have said here parallels the approach to Kormoran. Significantly, both events occurred around supper time, when it was probably certainly? Investigation and identifying time was 25 minutes for the first and probably 22 minutes not 1 hour 22 minutes for the second.

Against me in the affair of the target is the letter to Montgomery from Sydney’s Chaplain, a letter upon which much weight is placed to sustain “how cautiously Captain Burnett did his job; he was always a safety-first man and not one to take risks? A powerful letter indeed if it were factually correct, but I’m afraid the. The Action Stations bell did not sound as claimed; 2. If Chaplain could observe that the ship was kept nose-on to the object and well away from it, he could not have been at his action station, Which was somewhere below decks;.

It was 20 minutes after sighting that the ship reverted to cruising stations from so-called action stations, and the target had apparently been identified as such some minutes earlier, so there was no big deal when the sea-boat, Gunnery Officer in charge,. Captain’s refusal of Chaplain’s request to go in the boat was not necessarily an indication of caution, but more likely recognition.

The author had referred to the target float episode which apparently “had been held up on occasions by whom? Target float episode – cannot conceive this as impetuous, and to that extent agree with author; BUT doubt very much that caution or prudence shown in approaching target is much of a “plus”; if anything it highlights misconceptions of importance of procedures; one can.

The real problem is if one approaches something live and unidentified with no “dash” at all and wallows beam-on. It is a pity this has to be spelt out in such detail. It is done pre-emptively as I think the Committee may well be confronted with the incident as a significant point in the mystery theories. It Was, it usually resolved Itself Into the nosing up once too often concluelon. My cruising station was, at all times, on the bridge as port after lookout. My action station was, at all times, communications number on the after multiple point five anti- aircraft gun, poised on its own platform for’ard of and above “X” turret.

Of course one was not always on deck observing, but the combination of first hand observation and information from other observers did afford a fairly sound appreciation of what was good and what was bad In the handling of the ship. The weather across the Bight – the Great Australian Bight – progressively deteriorated, and “Sydney” pitched, rolled, corkscrewed and. Old salts said she hadn’t taken such a battering for quite some time. One of “Aquitania’s” men wrote to me years later saying they felt they were being escorted by a submarine rather than a cruiser.

Heroic stuff, no doubt. But prudent? We were 36 hours late into Fremantle, having been forced to slow down, but the question remains whether we had slowed enough. Ships and boats will stand Just so much, and there can come a time when forcing onward progress at all costs ceases to be a sound option.

The defect was apparently rectified – probably around the time I left the ship. So we sailed from Fremantle early on the morning of Sunday 28 September. The ships of the convoy left port and formed two columns each of two ships, and we led them to seaward, a mile or two ahead, before taking a northerly course for the rendezvous.

Sabbath morn at sea, and I did not have the forenoon watch. Then came the pipe “Divisions will be held at Eclipse of bliss, for I was and remained one having a dislike for formal occasions, especially when they appeared unnecessary or undesirable. Divisions at sea, in war time, and escorting. So all those off watch got dressed in the rig of the day – grumbling somewhat – and mustered on the quarterdeck.

There we had the customary bible reading, sang hymns, and Joined in the prayers and entreaties for those in peril on the sea. On conclusion of the service, the purpose of the Divisions was revealed. The Captain addressed us at modest length about the duties the ship looked likely to undertake in the next few months, which were fairly routine. Then came the punch line. There was a short silence for the message to sink in, and a sense of some unease in the men around me as we stood, right aft on the port side.

An old salt standing. Immediately for’ard of me leant slightly towards me. He’s a death or glory boy. You can smell ’em. Just you watch it’s. I queried him. Going raider hunting with “A” turret out of action is not my idea of fun”.

He referred, of course, to the proper drill for approach, interception, or. In my talk to members, the substance of paragraph 6 may not have been dealt with In reasonable detail – or perhaps not at all. Readers may care to assess its content in conjunction with this paragraph. There were three further Incidents during that voyage – two northbound and one southbound – upon which I felt obliged to place caveats vis-a-vis Burnett’s competence and Judgment.

Those caveats have never been removed. It is to those incidents I now refer in order that the thrust of what I. During the forenoon watch one day, I had the second hour at my cruising station, for lookouts did one hour on and one hour off.

That hour was from to , on 2 October When I spoke to members, I referred to a ship Identification occurring at or about that time, and held up a copy of “Sydney’s” transcribed log where the incident was recorded.

It was the approach at speed and the spectacular turn executed which I had recollected – inaccurately, I’m afraid – with all three working turrets swinging around and aimed-over at one or more ships. Prior to that manoeuvre, the aircraft had been flown off – a fact which. The first of those points is that the log records ” Exercised action stations”, the inference being that this represented full action stations.

The second of those points is that something occurred. It was something felt, rather than immediately known. In the tense moments which followed, I heard the Commander’s voice repeating what had obviously been the Captain’s order to make smoke. That voice was not his usual one – loud,. A few moments later, the Captain strode into my sight with a look of thunder on his face. That look said “How could anyone, even.

There were no ship lnt ‘rceptionsat all. It was with a later convoy that cracks In the soundness of the captain’s Judgment started to be revealed. Initially, they were not huge cracks, but did give some cause for wonder. That was “Sydney’s” penultimate convoy and comprised “Aqultanla”, 48, tons, “Johan van Oldenbarnevelt”, 20, tons, her sister ship ‘Marnlx van Sint Aidegond”, and a smaller Dutchman ‘Slbajak”, of about 15, tons.

The four were bung full of troops – A. How many thousands or tens of thousands there were I do not know. My guess is that 20, might not be far wrong. On 19 September,. Thus they remained as all headed westward to Fremantle, and from there to a rendezvous point some 90 miles south of Sunda Strait, Java, where H. Ships “Glasgow” and “Danae” took over. We have just completed a gunnery exercise and will rejoin the convoy by approaching It from the rear. Because the troops on board the ships have been cooped up for some time – particularly the New Zealanders – we shall brighten up their day by laying.

So we did that. The white smoke from two smoke floats situated right aft on the quarterdeck was overlaid by thick black smoke from the after funnel. I was relieved from watch very soon after the smoke appeared and walked aft to. The pall of smoke well and truly obliterated the convoy and hung In the air as it was supposed to do. As I stood, the black smoke ceased, while the white smoke continued until the floats burnt themselves out.

I said aloud “Joe’s great black and. I was alone with my thoughts. These had been shaped, in no small degree, by an Incident concerned with a smoke sighting two months earlier in which I had been. Resolution of the ensuing fuss had a consequence of contributing materially to my advancement and training, and possibly to my being alive today. So why did the Captain do what he did? Worthy consideration for the troops, undoubtedly.

A bit of exhibitionism perhaps, which might or might. Raider bait perhaps? I suspect a combination of all three. But wise? I didn’t think so then.

Neither did anyone else I knew. I don’t think so now. Having done years of convoy work later in the War, there was no doubt in the mind of any C.

In writing the foregoing paragraph, I have perforce reviewed notes, letters, thoughts and recollections to try to determine why, when I addressed you, I had said that the smoke-making episode occurred after identifying an unknown vessel. The best excuse – which probably fails short of being a thoroughly good reason – is that I had, in my mind, telescoped.

In the latter hour of the first dog-watch, to , a ship was sighted and we tore off to investigate. Actions sic stations. I cannot remember whether or not that meant full action stations. It could have been the case, but I have no recollection of being at my gun. Main armament was manned, presumably by action stations guns’ crews for all three operative turrets.

What I do recollect was being back on the bridge at or about to do my next hour on lookout and. I also have a recollection that there had been some delay by the tanker In replying to. That was not entirely surprising, for she was northbound and we had come up behind her.

Merchant ships were not notorious for keeping a lookout aft. So the Norwegian tanker “Bramora” was Identified – and closely inspected. I have always felt that the close. The most critically revealing event of the whole voyage occurred some seven hours later. At on 3rd October the action alarm bells rang. Wake up, grab your gear and run, dressing on the way if needs be. None came. The captain of the gun was Leading Seaman Stan Davis, a competent, thoroughly reliable, considerate and worthy man.

Our No. Both were Mediterranean veterans. We had been closed up for some minutes. They were both on the gun platform and started looking into the blackness in the direction indicated by “X” and “Y” turrets which bore somewhere about Green or , i. Presently, “There’s something out there”, they said to me, for I was partly inside a shelter under the searchlight platform with headphones on.

We did stop, wallowing gently. Dead silence, until, above us, we heard the hissing which follows the ignition of carbon arcs within a searchlight – 24 inch or 36 inch, I’m not sure which, although I think the larger.

Ashworth reacted like lightning. He’s not going to do that to us! He couldn’t do that to us! I showed slight reluctance, being curious about what was going on. Stan’s arm went firmly across my shoulders. There’s been no reply from that thing out there. We don’t. The three of us lay there. We did not have long to wait. The searchlight beam was exposed and remained exposed.

Nothing happened. Curiosity overcame me and I crawled to our shelter’s exit to take a look. A ship was well. Illuminated – dark hull and light upperworks, white or buff coloured, possibly both. A man emerged from somewhere amidships, at the run, heading frantically for the bridge housing, into which he vanished.

He was wearing a white shirt and long navy blue or black trousers. The challenge was repeated, apparently the right answer came back, and “Islander” was identified.

The searchlight was extinguished and we moved off to rejoin the convoy. We had been stationary at less than half a mile. The elapsed time between going to and securing from action stations is logged as 32 minutes. For theorists and journalists who say there was never any criticism of the captain, this episode alone may be ironically said to confirm that. What others and I saw and experienced on that night transcended criticism and became a searing. As pointed out to members when I spoke, an innocuous log entry did not and does not reveal the reality.

North bound”. At some stage during the voyage there was another ‘crash’ action stations alarm during the night. I have no detail of the reason and mention it out of interest, for it was aborted before we were fully closed up.

I had got as far as the port torpedo tubes and was surprised to run into men. There may have been a perfe,tly good reason for the alarm and its cancellation, but it.

Having handed over the convoy to the Royal Navy ships during the morning of Friday 3rd October, we took a southerly course for Fremantle. I had the first hour of the first dog watch on the bridge – to – then went below to my mess to write letters and have supper. Around Presently there came a pipe which I recollect as “Close up main armament”.

It seemed a rather odd pipe. Some men left the messdeck, but most of us, In mosses 36, 38, 40 and 42, stayed put.

We had a golden opportunity to do our writing and little chores which would probably not. Presently, a sea-boat was called away and the ship slowed for its despatch. We were curious, but not particularly so. A man came down the thwartships ladder from the upper deck and someone in 42 mess called out ‘What’s going on up there?

We all relaxed and got on. Should I be up there getting “educated” or could I stay put? I stayed put. The episode puzzled me. Why have six 6 inch guns at the ready when recovering a bit of flotsam, yet make no other defence preparations if there was suspicion that, say, the raider was lurking well over the horizon waiting to pounce at phenomenally mythical speed? Surely one perceived no need for any extra precautions If there was no reasonably evident risk, or one went to full action stations by -way of total precaution.

Because of the log entry recording action stations at , theorists have, for some time,. That is a false deduction. While I did not know of the log entry for many years, at the time of the event and for about two years after it, the logic of the captain’s actions escaped me. A log entry. Of that I was unaware at the time, and presume direct orders from bridge to turrets achieved the change. The sea-boat was lowered at I had given up puzzling, but the memory was retained until December Extended embed settings.

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Our speed control motor packages include the motor,. Independent All Rights Reserved. Programming Logic controllers Programmable Logic Controller PLC is a microprocessor based system that uses programmable memory to store instructions and implement functions such as logic, sequencing,. Safety instructions. It is connected to the EIB via the bus connecting terminal supplied. The following. It offers not only. Finish the rest of the questions for discussion in class on Wednesday. Question 1 Questions AC s are becoming.

Helmholtz Coils A useful laboratory technique for getting a fairly uniform magnetic field, is to use a pair of circular coils on a common axis with equal currents flowing in the same sense. For a given. This outline guides. Description The MEC22 is a high resolution optical hollow shaft encoder that can be fixed quickly and easily on different sizes of motor shafts. The encoder provides two square wave outputs in quadrature. The module. Analog control unit for mobile robots Soldering kit for experimentation For Fischertechnik robots and others Most diverse functions Requires no programming Patented sensor technology Summary We are pleased.

Constructing a precision SWR meter and antenna analyzer. I have been asked to put together a detailed article on a SWR meter. In this article I will deal. Please visit our website at www. Generates an image of each apartment’s heat consumption and makes it available for readout.

Acts on room temperature control. Charles Ume,. Design and Test of Fast Laser Driver Circuits Since the invention of the laser by Theodore H Maiman 50 years ago, lasers have found widespread applications in various technological fields, such as telecommunications,.

Multi-Protocol decoder 76 2 with Load regulation For locomotives with universal motors on digital layouts operating in the DCC and Motorola data format.

Features 76 2 Load regulated multi-protocol decoder. The required circuit must operate the counter and the memory chip. When the teach. Understand the operation of digital counters.

It is used to control resistive loads at mains. What Is Regeneration? Pulse width modulation Pulse width modulation is a pulsed DC square wave, commonly used to control the on-off switching of a silicon controlled rectifier via the gate.

There are many types of SCR s, most. Alpi 6 – zona industriale – Lonato BS Tel. What is an Adjustable Frequency Drive? An adjustable frequency drive is a system for controlling the speed of an AC motor by controlling the frequency of the power supplied to the motor. A basic adjustable.

In many systems. Model Number Single head system Features Parameterization interface for the application-specific adjustment of the sensor setting via the service program ULTRA programmable switch outputs Hysteresis. The controller is designed specifically for commercial Heating, Ventilating,.

An adjustable. CMStype technology is used. These products conform. Device Overview


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