How to Download & Install Java JDK 8 in Windows 10 (bit)

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Old version, no longer maintained: JDK Beta. Old version, no longer maintained: JDK 1. Old version, no longer maintained: J2SE 1. Old version, no longer maintained: Java SE 5. Old version, no longer maintained: Java SE 6. December December for Azul [11]. Old version, no longer maintained: Java SE 7. December [13]. Old version, no longer maintained: Java SE 9. Old version, no longer maintained: Java SE September September for Azul [11]. Current stable version: Java SE Future release: Java SE September [13].

Legend: Old version Older version, still maintained Latest version Latest preview version Future release. January 23, 26 years ago February 19, 25 years ago December 8, 23 years ago May 8, 22 years ago February 6, 20 years ago October February September 30, 17 years ago November April Improved startup time and memory footprint.

Sharing of read-only data between multiple running JVMs. Remote monitoring and management. Programmatic generation of stack traces. Support for XML 1. Unicode 4. A few crashes were fixed. The program is now compiled with better optimization. Calendar bugfixes and other bugfixes were made. This release fixes several bugs, including crashes of the Linux Mozilla plugin. With the release, J2SE support for Windows bit has progressed from release candidate to final release.

Several bugs were fixed and performance enhancements were made. Last release for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4. Prior to this update, an applet or application could specify the version of the JRE on which it would run. This has changed. All applets are executed with the latest JRE version. Many bugs were fixed. Multiple security vulnerabilities in Java Web Start relating to local file access were fixed. A security vulnerability in the JRE allowing network access restrictions to be circumvented was fixed.

Several other security issues and minor bugs were fixed. Several crashes due to heap buffer out-of-bounds were fixed, along with several other bugs. This release fixes several security flaws, such as DoS vulnerabilities, buffer overflows, and other bugs which could lead to crashes or which would give applets access to certain system resources.

The UTF-8 charset implementation was updated to handle the non-shortest form of UTF-8 byte sequences, introducing an incompatibility from previous releases. New root certificates were added. Several security issues were resolved. Five new root certificates were added. Support was added for several system configurations.

Service Tag support was added. Many bugs were fixed, including several crashes and memory leaks. Several security vulnerabilities were resolved, such as potential system access by untrusted applets, and integer overflows in image processing and in Unpack Several new root certificates were added. Many other minor bugs were fixed. Several security vulnerabilities, reported as Sun Alerts , , , and , were fixed.

Several other bugs were fixed. Furthermore, two new root certificates were added. November 11, 15 years ago This release adds many enhancements in the fields of Web services, scripting, databases, pluggable annotations, and security, as well as quality, compatibility, and stability.

JConsole is now officially supported. Java DB support has been added. Java SE 6 Update 1 [i]. Java SE 6 Update 2 [ii]. Java SE 6 Update 3 [iii]. Java SE 6 Update 4 [iv]. Java SE 6 Update 5 [v]. Several security flaws were eliminated. Java SE 6 Update 6 [vi]. A memory leak when using Kerberos authentication with LoginContext was fixed. Java SE 6 Update 7 [vii]. Unofficially, Java SE 6 Update 7 1. Java SE 6 Update 10 [viii]. HotSpot VM Major changes for this update include: Java Deployment Toolkit, a set of JavaScript functions to ease the deployment of applets and Java Web Start applications.

Other packages are downloaded when needed. Enhanced updater. Enhanced versioning and pack support: server-side support is no longer required. Improved performance of Java2D graphics primitives on Windows, using Direct3D and hardware acceleration.

A new Swing look and feel called Nimbus and based on synth. Java SE 6 Update 11 [67] [ix]. Java SE 6 Update 12 [xi]. No security fixes; bit Java plug-in for bit web browsers only ; Windows Server support; performance improvements of graphics and JavaFX applications.

Java SE 6 Update 13 [xii]. Java SE 6 Update 14 [xiii]. This release includes extensive performance updates to the JIT compiler, compressed pointers for bit machines, as well as support for the G1 Garbage First low-pause garbage collector.

Java SE 6 Update 15 [xv]. Java SE 6 Update 16 [xvi]. Java SE 6 Update 17 [xvii]. Java SE 6 Update 18 [xviii]. No security fixes; Hotspot VM 16; support for Ubuntu 8.

Java SE 6 Update 19 [xix]. Security fixes; root certificate changes: seven new, three removed, five replaced with stronger signature algorithms; interim fix for TLS renegotiation attack. Java SE 6 Update 20 [xx]. Java SE 6 Update 21 [xxi]. Java SE 6 Update 22 [xxii]. Java SE 6 Update 23 [xxiii]. Java SE 6 Update 24 [xxiv]. Java SE 6 Update 25 [xxv]. Java SE 6 Update 26 [xxvi]. Java SE 6 Update 27 [xxvii]. Java SE 6 Update 29 [xxviii].

Java SE 6 Update 30 [xxix]. Java SE 6 Update 31 [xxx]. Java SE 6 Update 32 [xxxi]. Java SE 6 Update 33 [xxxii]. Java SE 6 Update 34 [xxxiii]. Java SE 6 Update 35 [xxxiv]. Contains a security-in-depth fix [75]. Java SE 6 Update 37 [xxxv]. Java SE 6 Update 38 [xxxvi].

Various bug fixes [xxxvii]. Java SE 6 Update 39 [xxxviii]. Java SE 6 Update 41 [xxxix]. Java SE 6 Update 43 [xl]. Java SE 6 Update 45 [xli]. Not available for public download; 33 fixes [xlii]. Dolphin []. July 28, 11 years ago June Java SE 7 []. Initial release; HotSpot VM Java SE 7 Update 1 [xliii]. Java SE 7 Update 2 [xliv]. Java SE 7 Update 3 [xlv]. Java SE 7 Update 4 [xlvi]. Java SE 7 Update 5 [xlvii]. Java SE 7 Update 6 [xlviii]. Java SE 7 Update 7 [xlix]. Java SE 7 Update 9 [l].

Java SE 7 Update 10 [li]. New security features, such as the ability to disable any Java application from running in the browser and new dialogs to warn you when the JRE is insecure, and bug fixes.

Java SE 7 Update 11 [lii]. Olson Data i; bugfix for problems with registration of plugin on systems with Stand-alone version of JavaFX Installed, security fixes for CVE – ; [] the default security level for Java applets and web start applications has been increased from “Medium” to “High”.

Java SE 7 Update 13 [] [liii]. Java SE 7 Update 15 [liv]. Java SE 7 Update 17 [lv]. Java SE 7 Update 21 [lvi]. Java SE 7 Update 25 [lvii]. Multiple changes including 40 security fixes [78] []. Java SE 7 Update 40 [lviii]. Java SE 7 Update 45 [lix]. Java SE 7 Update 51 [lx]. Java SE 7 Update 55 [lxi]. Java SE 7 Update 60 [lxii]. Java Mission Control 5. Java SE 7 Update 65 [lxiii]. Java SE 7 Update 67 [lxv]. Java SE 7 Update 71 [lxvi]. Java SE 7 Update 72 [lxviii].

Java SE 7 Update 75 [lxx]. Java SE 7 Update 76 [lxxii]. Java SE 7 Update 79 [lxxiv]. Java SE 7 Update 80 [lxxvi]. LTS version. March 18, 8 years ago Java SE 8 Update 5 []. Java SE 8 Update 11 []. Java SE 8 Update 20 []. Java SE 8 Update 25 []. Java SE 8 Update 31 []. Java SE 8 Update 40 [].

Java SE 8 Update 45 []. Java SE 8 Update 51 []. Added support for native sandbox on Windows platforms disabled by default ; also, 25 security fixes, 14 bug fixes. Java SE 8 Update 60 []. Java SE 8 Update 65 []. Java SE 8 Update 66 []. Java SE 8 Update 71 []. Java SE 8 Update 73 [].

Java SE 8 Update 74 []. Java SE 8 Update 77 []. Java SE 8 Update 91 []. Java SE 8 Update 92 []. Java SE 8 Update []. New features e. License Update. New features, changes, bug fixes. The last version that was shown to be working on Windows XP unofficially. New features, changes, 65 bug fixes. New features, changes, 33 bug fixes. New features, changes, 28 bug fixes. New features, changes, 90 bug fixes.

New features, changes, 52 bug fixes. New features, changes, 62 bug fixes. New features, changes, 37 bug fixes. New features, changes, 42 bug fixes. September 21, 4 years ago Java SE 9 []. Java SE 9. March 20, 4 years ago Java SE 10 []. Java SE Security fixes, 5 bug fixes []. Final release for JDK Security fixes, 7 bug fixes []. September 25, 3 years ago Java SE 11 []. You can download the software for free in no time.

Moreover, the installation wizard also facilitates you to quickly get done with the process. All you need to do is to click a few Next buttons to install the software. You can also choose the location where you want to install it and customize different settings. It gives you the option to integrate the application with different web browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. There are four major Java platforms that target a variety of application domains and devices.

Here are these:. It helps users run Java-based applications on small-memory devices Java Micro Edition You can develop apps or run apps on smart devices, TV set-top boxes, printers, and PDAs with this version Java Standard Edition The software runs on desktop PCs, servers, and other similar devices Java Enterprise Edition This license offers a variety of APIs suitable for multi-tier client-server enterprise applications along with the features of SE version Control Panel Java platform comes with a comprehensive control panel through which you can control its operations.



How to check and update Java version on Windows 10?

New features, changes, 95 bug fixes. This write-up will present a step-by-step guide to check and update the Java version on Windows Hence, we are going to use Java and JDK interchangeably from now on. Java DB support has been added. Click Java bit in the Control Panel list, it has an icon of a coffee cup with steam. Oracle Help Center.


[Latest java version windows 10


The Java language has undergone several changes since JDK 1. Since J2SE 1. In September , Mark Reinhold, chief Architect of the Java Platform, proposed to change the release train to “one feature release every six months” rather than the then-current two-year schedule. In addition to the language changes, other changes have been made to the Java Class Library over the years, which has grown from a few hundred classes in JDK 1.

Some programs allow conversion of Java programs from one version of the Java platform to an older one for example Java 5. Java 8 LTS last free software public update for commercial use was released by Oracle in March , while Oracle continues to release no-cost public Java 8 updates for development [3] and personal use indefinitely. For Java 11, long-term support will not be provided by Oracle for the public; instead, the broader OpenJDK community, as Eclipse Adoptium or others , is expected to perform the work.

The first version was released on January 23, Major additions in the release on February 19, included: [18]. The release on December 8, and subsequent releases through J2SE 5. This was a very significant release of Java as it tripled the size of the Java platform to classes in 59 packages. Major additions included: [20]. The most notable changes in the May 8, release were: [21] [22]. Major changes included: [23] [24]. Public support and security updates for Java 1. Paid security updates for Oracle customers ended in February The release on September 30, was originally numbered 1.

The number was changed to “better reflect the level of maturity, stability, scalability and security of the J2SE”. Java SE 5 entered its end-of-public-updates period on April 8, ; updates are no longer available to the public as of November 3, Updates were available to paid Oracle customers until May Tiger added a number of significant new language features: [27] [28].

Java 5 Update 5 1. Paid security updates for Oracle customers ended in April This version introduced a new versioning system for the Java language, although the old versioning system continued to be used for developer libraries:.

Both version numbers “1. Version “5. The number “5. This version was developed under JSR During the development phase, new builds including enhancements and bug fixes were released approximately weekly.

Beta versions were released in February and June , leading up to a final release that occurred on December 11, Major changes included in this version: [54] [55]. Java 6 can be installed to Mac OS X Java 6 reached the end of its supported life in February , at which time all public updates, including security updates, were scheduled to be stopped.

After Java 6 release, Sun, and later Oracle, released several updates which, while not changing any public API, enhanced end-user usability or fixed bugs. Some developers have noticed an issue introduced in this release which causes debuggers to miss breakpoints seemingly randomly.

The workaround applies to the Client and Server VMs. Another workaround is to roll back to update 13, or to upgrade to update Java 7 is a major update that was launched on July 7, [] and was made available for developers on July 28, The feature list at the OpenJDK 7 project lists many of the changes. Additions in Java 7 include: [].

Lambda Java’s implementation of lambda functions , Jigsaw Java’s implementation of modules , and part of Coin were dropped from Java 7, and released as part of Java 8 except for Jigsaw , which was released in Java 9.

Java 7 was the default version to download on java. Oracle issued public updates to the Java 7 family on a quarterly basis [] until April when the product reached the end of its public availability. Java 8 was released on March 18, , [] [] and included some features that were planned for Java 7 but later deferred.

The last version of Java 8 could run on XP is update But the its components compatibility starts to break on unsupported OS in early build during Java 8 updates development. From October , Java 8 was the default version to download and then again the download replacing Java 9 from the official website. Java SE 9 was made available on September 21, , [] due to controversial acceptance of the current implementation of Project Jigsaw by Java Executive Committee, [] which led Oracle to fix some open issues and concerns, and to refine some critical technical questions.

In the last days of June , Java Community Process expressed nearly unanimous consensus on the proposed Module System scheme. The first Java 9 release candidate was released on August 9, At JavaOne , Oracle discussed features they hoped to release for Java 9 in OpenJDK 10 was released on March 20, , with twelve new features confirmed.

The first of these JEP Local-Variable Type Inference , allows the var keyword to be used for local variables with the actual type calculated by the compiler. So we can do:. JDK 11 was released on September 25, and the version is currently open for bug fixes.

Among others, Java 11 includes a number of new features, such as: []. A number of features from previous releases were dropped; in particular, Java applets and Java Web Start are no longer available. JDK 12 was released on March 19, Among others, Java 12 includes a number of new features, such as: []. The preview feature JEP extends the switch statement so it can also be used as an expression, and adds a new form of case label where the right hand side is an expression.

No break statement is needed. For complex expressions a yield statement can be used. This becomes standard in Java SE JDK 13 was released on September 17, Java 13 includes the following new features, as well as “hundreds of smaller enhancements and thousands of bug fixes”. JDK 14 was released on March 17, Java 14 includes the following new features, as well as “hundreds of smaller enhancements and thousands of bug fixes”.

JEP , Pattern Matching for instanceof simplifies the common case of an instanceof test being immediately followed by cast, replacing. JEP Records allows easy creation of simple immutable Tuple -like classes. JDK 15 was released on September 15, Java 15 adds e. The Shenandoah and Z garbage collectors latter sometimes abbreviated ZGC are now ready for use in production i. Java The Nashorn JavaScript Engine is removed.

Also removed some root CA certificates. JEP Sealed Classes adds sealed classes and interfaces that restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them. Only those classes specified in a permits clause may extend the class or interface.

Together with records, sealed classes are sum types. They work well with other recent features like records, switch expressions, and pattern matching for instance-of.

JDK 16 was released on March 16, The code was also moved to GitHub , dropping Mercurial as the source control system. JEP extends the pattern matching syntax used in instanceof operations to switch statements and expressions. It allows cases to be selected based on the type of the argument, null cases and refining patterns. Releases are based on the OpenJDK project, a free and open-source project with an open development model. Other Java implementations exist, however—in part due to Java’s early history as proprietary software.

In contrast, some implementations were created to offer some benefits over the standard implementation, often the result of some area of academic or corporate-sponsored research. Many Linux distributions include builds of OpenJDK through the IcedTea project started by Red Hat , which provides a more straightforward build and integration environment.

After the Sun v. Microsoft lawsuit, Microsoft abandoned it and began work on the. NET platform. Their builds support not only Windows, but also Linux and macOS. Other proprietary Java implementations are available, such as Azul ‘s Zing. Prior to the release of OpenJDK, while Sun’s implementation was still proprietary, the GNU Classpath project was created to provide a free and open-source implementation of the Java platform.

Since the release of JDK 7, when OpenJDK became the official reference implementation, the original motivation for the GNU Classpath project almost completely disappeared, and its last release was in After Sun’s initial source code release, the Harmony project continued, working to provide an implementation under a lax license , in contrast to the protective license chosen for OpenJDK.

Google later developed Android and released it under a lax license. Several other implementations exist that started as proprietary software but are now open source. IBM initially developed OpenJ9 as the proprietary J9 [] but has since relicensed the project and donated it to the Eclipse Foundation. JRockit is a proprietary implementation that was acquired by Oracle and incorporated into subsequent OpenJDK versions.

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